Marry Me! od Lanvin

Lanvin, the famous French fashion house, enters the year by launching a new edition of a successful perfume Marry Me. Although there were other...

Hodinky pro 007

Omega company is going to produce new watch. The watch will be good for secret agents. You will see the watch in the following movie about...

Odkud pochází pizza?

Pizza comes from the Italian town Naples. Local people are proud of it, but they are in shock now, because of Giuseppe Nocca´s discovery. Giuseppe...

7 osvědčených tipů pro návštěvu Říma

For a travel editor it is hard to stop working not only at work but also when he/she is on holiday. In May of...

První rande

First dates can be stressful. You would like to look nice and the date to go well. Do you worry about the conversation? Don't....

Randění v digitální době

Fifty years ago, finding a new partner was natural and easier than today. You could meet someone through your friends, at work or...

50 odstínů šedi

The story begins when a student of literature Anastasia Steele goes to make an interview with a famous millionaire Christian Grey. They like...

Nevýhody multitaskingu

Duty - povinnost Allow – dovolit, povolit Short-term – krátkodobý Receive – obdržet, příjmout Excess – nadbytek Memorize – zapamatovat Disturb – rozptýlit Divide – rozdělit Ineffective - neefektivní Consume – spotřebovat What...

5 důvodů proč si plánovat volný čas

Do you have a calendar or a diary to plan your working days? Most of us has it and needs it. So it is a...

7 věcí, které nás naučila série Harryho Pottera II

4. Do not judge too fast! Remember! Some characters in Harry Potter Series seem to be nice, but they are not. Dolores Umbridge is one...
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