7 věcí, které nás naučila série Harryho Pottera

Books about Harry Potter are very good and interesting. Children like the story and adults too. You can read about love, friendship, bravery and...

7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit II

4. Do not show your imperfections! It can take you time to love your body. Now, do not you love your legs? Wear jeans or...

7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit I

Can you see somebody and you like him/her? Do you want to start conversation with the person? Are you at job interview? Do you...

Blur hlásí comeback

Comeback of Blur Famous British music group Blur are preparing their new album. The title of the album is Magic Whip. You will have a...

Máte dostatek spánku?

Do you sleep enough? Everybody needs to sleep. But almost 50% of population don´t sleep enough. Sleeping is very important for us, mainly for our body...

Amsterdam: Místa a akce

Places and actions Trams in Amsterdam are fast and they go often. But if you can, rent a bike. It is cheap (8-10 € a...

Amsterdam: Lákavá místa mimo centrum

Attractive places outside the centre There are three places you have to visit: the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank House. Expect...

BMW: Parkování? Nechte to na mně …

Problems with parking? Not for BMW The new BMW parking assistant was introduced at CES 2015 (Consumer Electronic Show). Using of the system is really easy. You just...

Bytová show v Singapuru

Second annual of home design show in Singapore Maison&Objet Asia is a famous home design show. It is going to be held in Singapore in...

Samsung S6 se zaobleným displayem

Samsung Galaxy S6 will have curved screen The new smartphone from Samsung is going to be presented in March. One interesting thing is that the...
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