7 tipů, jak mu dát najevo, že ho chceš …

Do you want to spend nice moments with your partner? There are tips to tell it to your boyfriend in an extraordinary way. You...

Důležitost Whisky pro britskou ekonomiku

Latest study showed that the whisky business of Britain is worth more than £5 billion each year. The industry also provides many jobs for...

Assassin’s Creed: Hra ovládaná očima

There is a new Assassin’s Creed game which is the first one having laser technology to track where your eyes are looking while playing....

Chcete být víc sexy? Dejte si skleničku vína…

to come up with - přijít s (návrhem) adequate - dostatečný, přiměřený sober - střízlivý set - daný, ustanovený to make effect - mít efekt, mít za následek to...

Marrakech zvolen nejlepší světovou destinací pro rok 2015

TripAdvisor gives awards to “the best places for travellers” every year and this year it is Marrakech who wins their Travelers’ Choice Awards for...

Bude Apple analyzovat naše DNA?

The MIT Technology Review magazine says that the iPhone maker wants to use their phones for medical studies. Apple is creating new apps which...

Zabij svůj strach

Mice, snakes, spiders, closed spaces, embarrassment. Those are examples of our fears. But is fear always a bad thing? Fear can be real or only...

7 textovek, které udělají Tvého přítele šťastným II

4. “You are in my mind” This sentence is perfect if you want to create a little bit of tension between you. It is a...

7 textovek, které udělají Tvého přítele šťastným

Do you want to send a text message to your boyfriend? Do you have no idea what to write him? I am going to...

Televize jako druh umění

Do you like art? But you do not have a time to go to museum of art very often? Now you can have a...
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