Důležitost Whisky pro britskou ekonomiku

Latest study showed that the whisky business of Britain is worth more than £5 billion each year. The industry also provides many jobs for...

Zabij svůj strach

Mice, snakes, spiders, closed spaces, embarrassment. Those are examples of our fears. But is fear always a bad thing? Fear can be real or only...

Odkud pochází pizza?

Pizza comes from the Italian town Naples. Local people are proud of it, but they are in shock now, because of Giuseppe Nocca´s discovery. Giuseppe...

Nevýhody multitaskingu

Duty - povinnost Allow – dovolit, povolit Short-term – krátkodobý Receive – obdržet, příjmout Excess – nadbytek Memorize – zapamatovat Disturb – rozptýlit Divide – rozdělit Ineffective - neefektivní Consume – spotřebovat What...

5 důvodů proč si plánovat volný čas

Do you have a calendar or a diary to plan your working days? Most of us has it and needs it. So it is a...

7 věcí, které nás naučila série Harryho Pottera II

4. Do not judge too fast! Remember! Some characters in Harry Potter Series seem to be nice, but they are not. Dolores Umbridge is one...

7 věcí, které nás naučila série Harryho Pottera

Books about Harry Potter are very good and interesting. Children like the story and adults too. You can read about love, friendship, bravery and...

Bytová show v Singapuru

Second annual of home design show in Singapore Maison&Objet Asia is a famous home design show. It is going to be held in Singapore in...

Zablokovaní uživatelé Facebooku

Blocked Facebook Users Have you got a Facebook account? Is your login your real name or a nickname? People from the Facebook can block your...

Francouzské děti jedí všechno II

French Kids Eat Everything II What did we learn from this amazing French book? For me, there are two groups of tips-n-tricks – surprises and...
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