Do you think that it is possible to focus more at work?
It is possible!
We have to improve our focus at work because we work better then. Focus helps us a lot. We work worse without it.

There are 3 steps of how the brain focuses on something:

Step 1: The sences receive all the information around us immediately.
Step 2: The brain has to choose the important information.
Step 3: The brain chooses the information which is the most important.

Now you can see what you do wrong:

  • Receiving too much information destroys your focus.
  • The brain is confused about what is imporant and what is not.
  • A lot of decisions ruin willpower.

Do this: Don’t receive too much information, you have to know what is important and don’t do a lot of decisions.

Have you ever been thinking about how to improve your focus at work?

Believe it or not, it is possible!

Why should we improve it? It is generally true that the more you focus, the better results you find or do. We can say that focus is our big helper. We couldn’t do our job properly without it.

Let’s take a look at how the brain focuses on something:

Step 1: The sences receive all the information around us immediately.

Step 2: The brain reviews the information by its importance. Anything unimportant discards.

Step 3: The brain chooses which information should be the most important.

Now, you can see what you do wrong:

  • If you receive too much information, you can rarely focus.
  • The brain gets befuddled about what is imporant and what is not.
  • When you Make a lot of decisions, you can destroy your willpower. Then you focus on the wrong things.

You have to do these three things: reduce intake of information, know what is important and preserve your willpower.


improve – to make something better
result – something that happens after e.g. an action
immediately – right now
importance – how much is something important
discard – throw away sth – you dont need it/ want it anymore
get befuddled – get confused

Related Grammar

Modal verbs

Articles (a/an, the)


  1. Tutor and language consultant. Have been studying languages since childhood and speaks fluently English and French. Due to his special knowledge he manages to solve any language obstruction. As langauges are his hobby, he knows lots of interesting facts that are often neglected when learning in formal way and shares them with his students to bring them closer to the language.

    There is a mistake NOT: have been studying BUT has been studying


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