How to lead a phone call in English and what phrases to use? Lets sort them according to the situation they relate to.
Introducing yourself
Jim Pearson
Lucy speaking.
This is Michael.
Hello, Finance Department, Eva speaking.
Good morning. National Theatre. Ali...
Names and titles are used both when talking about people and when talking to people.
When we talk about people we can address them in four ways. Each of them is related to a specific kind of situation:
"What do you do?" is usually one of the first questions which follows the introduction with new people. That's why you should be able to talk about your job. You can be the one who asks and the one who answers....
The purpose of business meetings is a discussion of a particular topic, issue or problem with the intent of sharing information and finding possible solutions.
There are 3 reasons to speak on this meeting:
ask a question
express your opinion
make a request...
2 factors determine how the right introducing looks like
content and amount of information, we want to convey
sitution we are in
What do we convey when introducing ourselves?
We usually state more than our full name when we are introducing ourselves. We...
We should say goodbye in a polite and friendly way at the end of any kind of a meeting. Be it a business meeting or just a get-together with friens.
Awareness of the type of an occasion and people present...
It does not matter whether you are the receptionist or the hotel manager. You should know the basic concepts of business communication, and how to apply it in everyday communication. Even seemingly minor error in the message content can...
Different situations can occur in conversation with colleagues or business partners. We may want to say our opinion or ask for the opinion of a second person, solve the problem, express agreement or disagreement, interrupted the conversation in a...
Polite social conversation - "small talk" is commonplace throughout the world, not just in the business environment. We encounter small talk not only in an office but for example during the lunch break, at a party or at the...
Each successful presentation should contain phrases and expressions that
lead the audience
makes it easy to understand
give an idea of it's lenght and content
The sentences below follow the logical progression of a well-prepared presentation and contain necessary phrases and expressions.
At the...