Jak udržet bílé tenisky bílé

“The shoes make a man“. This saying always comes to my mind, when I wear white sneakers for some time and they look like...

Imptementovatelný antikoncepční mirkočip

Bill Gates and his foundation discover a new form of birth control. It's a special microchip and it can “live” for about 16 years. The...

Chuck II se prodají přes noc

hi-top – kotníčkové boty hit the market – uvést na trh release – představit (odhalit) eager – nedočkavý doubt – pochybnost one hell of - zatraceně dobrý/špatný revolutionary – revoluční peek...

Prora: Nacistický prázdninový kolos

In 1930s the Nazis built a holiday resort on the Baltic coast. Hitler’s Colossus of Prora should now get a new chance. Germany’s Metropole...

Hej, chlapi! Už byste měli shodit ty vousy…

to drop your beard - shodit vousy lush - bujný inflaming - ožehavý consequently - tudíž, proto appearance - vzhled rather - dost, poměrně close-cropped - krátce zastřižený stubble - strniště to...

Zeptejte se na těchto 5 otázek, než si seženete osobního trenéra

Everybody wants to have a perfect figure and hear how brilliant he/she looks. Do you want to be same? You are maybe working at...

Co dělat po návštěvě zátoky Halong

There is a chance that when you visit Halong bay there is going to be lot of small boats full of travellers and tourists...

Kdy jsou letenky nejlevnější?

Predicting when airline tickets are the cheapest isn’t, surely, an exact science, is it? One cannot possibly say, with any level of specificity —...

Drogba přemlouvá Čecha, aby zůstal v Chelsea

Didier Drogba doesn’t want to see Petr Cech in another team. Didier Drogba thinks that Petr Cech is a legend for the Blues.  He has...

Na motivaci záleží

Are you a person who eagerly goes on a diet, starts gym-going, or takes up a new language but who quits soon? Why is...
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