7 věcí, které nás naučila série Harryho Pottera

Books about Harry Potter are very good and interesting. Children like the story and adults too. You can read about love, friendship, bravery and...

První rande

First dates can be stressful. You would like to look nice and the date to go well. Do you worry about the conversation? Don't....

BMW: Parkování? Nechte to na mně …

Problems with parking? Not for BMW The new BMW parking assistant was introduced at CES 2015 (Consumer Electronic Show). Using of the system is really easy. You just...

Odkud pochází pizza?

Pizza comes from the Italian town Naples. Local people are proud of it, but they are in shock now, because of Giuseppe Nocca´s discovery. Giuseppe...

Jondeau: Lagerfeldův „model-ochránce“

Jondeau: Lagersfeld’s „Guardmodel“ The famous fashion designer chooses his personal assistant and bodyguard to be the face of the new KARL LAGERFELD collection for men. Karl...

Imptementovatelný antikoncepční mirkočip

Bill Gates and his foundation discover a new form of birth control. It's a special microchip and it can “live” for about 16 years. The...

Kdy jsou letenky nejlevnější?

Predicting when airline tickets are the cheapest isn’t, surely, an exact science, is it? One cannot possibly say, with any level of specificity —...

Apple a bezdrátové služby

Apple has not interest only in selling their devices, now they want to provide also operator services. They are testing in secret a mobile...

Jak se slaví Vánoce ve Francii

Jak se slaví Vánoce po Evropě? Pojďme se nejdříve podívat do Francie. Přečtěte si článek a učte se slovní zásobu spojenou s vánoční tématikou.

Prora: Nacistický prázdninový kolos

In 1930s the Nazis built a holiday resort on the Baltic coast. Hitler’s Colossus of Prora should now get a new chance. Germany’s Metropole...
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