Porsche Cayman GT4: Dvoumístná bestie

Porsche Cayman GT4 Coupé, 385 HP, 0-100 km/h in 4.4 seconds, 295 km/h. Are you ready for an amazing race? Meet the GT4! The GT4 is...

Enigma v novém kabátě

Enigma in a new coat The Imitation Game is a film based on a true story from WWII, about a group of mathematicians. The group...

7 osvědčených tipů pro návštěvu Říma

For a travel editor it is hard to stop working not only at work but also when he/she is on holiday. In May of...

Na motivaci záleží

Are you a person who eagerly goes on a diet, starts gym-going, or takes up a new language but who quits soon? Why is...

Televize jako druh umění

Do you like art? But you do not have a time to go to museum of art very often? Now you can have a...

Sluneční brýle na povel

transition - přechod photochromic lenses - fotochromatické čočky convert - přeměnit (změnit stav, vlastnost) command - rozkaz What are disadvantages of photochromic lenses? What does the story...

Anthony Crolla

Znáte Anthonyho Crollu? Ne? Tak to si přečtěte náš anglický článek s překladem. Dozvíte se zde zajímavosti ze světa boxu a mnoho dalšího.

Amsterdam: Kde přenocovat?

Amsterdam: Where to sleep? You are in Amsterdam and need to find a hotel. A houseboat? Why not. You can stay on the water and...

Důležitost Whisky pro britskou ekonomiku

Latest study showed that the whisky business of Britain is worth more than £5 billion each year. The industry also provides many jobs for...

BMW: Parkování? Nechte to na mně …

Problems with parking? Not for BMW The new BMW parking assistant was introduced at CES 2015 (Consumer Electronic Show). Using of the system is really easy. You just...
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