Prora: Nacistický prázdninový kolos

In 1930s the Nazis built a holiday resort on the Baltic coast. Hitler’s Colossus of Prora should now get a new chance. Germany’s Metropole...

5 důvodů proč si plánovat volný čas

Do you have a calendar or a diary to plan your working days? Most of us has it and needs it. So it is a...

50 odstínů šedi

The story begins when a student of literature Anastasia Steele goes to make an interview with a famous millionaire Christian Grey. They like...

Assassin’s Creed: Hra ovládaná očima

There is a new Assassin’s Creed game which is the first one having laser technology to track where your eyes are looking while playing....

Francouzské děti jedí všechno

French Kids Eat Everything Is it true? I ask this question, about a lot of things in a new book. The writer, like me, she...

První rande

First dates can be stressful. You would like to look nice and the date to go well. Do you worry about the conversation? Don't....

Jak o Vánocích nepřibrat

At Christmas people eat a lot. But in January they sometimes have problems with zipping up their jeans. In this article we would like...

Enigma v novém kabátě

Enigma in a new coat The Imitation Game is a film based on a true story from WWII, about a group of mathematicians. The group...

Jak udržet bílé tenisky bílé

“The shoes make a man“. This saying always comes to my mind, when I wear white sneakers for some time and they look like...

6 dárků, které se partnerovi líbit nebudou…

Some gifts are just terrible and they don’t please your partner. If you give them to her, she would probably be really angry. To...
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