7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit I

Can you see somebody and you like him/her? Do you want to start conversation with the person? Are you at job interview? Do you...

Assassin’s Creed: Hra ovládaná očima

There is a new Assassin’s Creed game which is the first one having laser technology to track where your eyes are looking while playing....

Jondeau: Lagerfeldův „model-ochránce“

Jondeau: Lagersfeld’s „Guardmodel“ The famous fashion designer chooses his personal assistant and bodyguard to be the face of the new KARL LAGERFELD collection for men. Karl...

Bude Apple analyzovat naše DNA?

The MIT Technology Review magazine says that the iPhone maker wants to use their phones for medical studies. Apple is creating new apps which...

6 dárků, které se partnerovi líbit nebudou…

Some gifts are just terrible and they don’t please your partner. If you give them to her, she would probably be really angry. To...

Na motivaci záleží

Are you a person who eagerly goes on a diet, starts gym-going, or takes up a new language but who quits soon? Why is...

Jak se slaví Vánoce ve Francii

Jak se slaví Vánoce po Evropě? Pojďme se nejdříve podívat do Francie. Přečtěte si článek a učte se slovní zásobu spojenou s vánoční tématikou.

Důležitost Whisky pro britskou ekonomiku

Latest study showed that the whisky business of Britain is worth more than £5 billion each year. The industry also provides many jobs for...

Prázdniny u vody

Léto je opět tu a vy si společně s námi můžete vybrat nádhernou dovolenou. Přečtěte si anglický článek a najděte svou dovolenou snů.

Amsterdam: Kde přenocovat?

Amsterdam: Where to sleep? You are in Amsterdam and need to find a hotel. A houseboat? Why not. You can stay on the water and...
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