Odkud pochází pizza?
Pizza comes from the Italian town Naples. Local people are proud of it, but they are in shock now, because of Giuseppe Nocca´s discovery.
7 osvědčených tipů pro návštěvu Říma
For a travel editor it is hard to stop working not only at work but also when he/she is on holiday. In May of...
První rande
First dates can be stressful. You would like to look nice and the date to go well. Do you worry about the conversation? Don't....
50 odstínů šedi
The story begins when a student of literature Anastasia Steele goes to make an interview with a famous millionaire Christian Grey. They like...
5 důvodů proč si plánovat volný čas
Do you have a calendar or a diary to plan your working days? Most of us has it and needs it.
So it is a...
Jak si vylepšit angličtinu v posteli
Studuješ angličtinu ve škole? Začal/a jsi koukat na filmy v angličtině, namísto dabovaných? To je výborné. Avšak hodlám Ti představit jednu z aktivit, která...
7 věcí, které nás naučila série Harryho Pottera
Books about Harry Potter are very good and interesting. Children like the story and adults too. You can read about love, friendship, bravery and...
7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit II
4. Do not show your imperfections!
It can take you time to love your body. Now, do not you love your legs? Wear jeans or...
7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit I
Can you see somebody and you like him/her? Do you want to start conversation with the person? Are you at job interview? Do you...
Blur hlásí comeback
Comeback of Blur
Famous British music group Blur are preparing their new album. The title of the album is Magic Whip. You will have a...