Co dělat po návštěvě zátoky Halong

There is a chance that when you visit Halong bay there is going to be lot of small boats full of travellers and tourists...

7 textovek, které udělají Tvého přítele šťastným

Do you want to send a text message to your boyfriend? Do you have no idea what to write him? I am going to...

50 odstínů šedi

The story begins when a student of literature Anastasia Steele goes to make an interview with a famous millionaire Christian Grey. They like...

Assassin’s Creed: Hra ovládaná očima

There is a new Assassin’s Creed game which is the first one having laser technology to track where your eyes are looking while playing....

Zeptejte se na těchto 5 otázek, než si seženete osobního trenéra

Everybody wants to have a perfect figure and hear how brilliant he/she looks. Do you want to be same? You are maybe working at...

V Čínském alkoholu se našla Viagra

Angličtina nemusí být vždy otrava. Přečtěte si zajímavost o tom, co bylo nalezeno ve čínské lahvi s alkoholem.

Amsterdam: Místa a akce

Places and actions Trams in Amsterdam are fast and they go often. But if you can, rent a bike. It is cheap (8-10 € a...

Amsterdam: Kde přenocovat?

Amsterdam: Where to sleep? You are in Amsterdam and need to find a hotel. A houseboat? Why not. You can stay on the water and...

Enigma v novém kabátě

Enigma in a new coat The Imitation Game is a film based on a true story from WWII, about a group of mathematicians. The group...

7 rad, jak mít ze sebe lepší pocit II

4. Do not show your imperfections! It can take you time to love your body. Now, do not you love your legs? Wear jeans or...
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