Drogba přemlouvá Čecha, aby zůstal v Chelsea

Didier Drogba doesn’t want to see Petr Cech in another team. Didier Drogba thinks that Petr Cech is a legend for the Blues.  He has...

BMW: Parkování? Nechte to na mně …

Problems with parking? Not for BMW The new BMW parking assistant was introduced at CES 2015 (Consumer Electronic Show). Using of the system is really easy. You just...

Sluneční brýle na povel

transition - přechod photochromic lenses - fotochromatické čočky convert - přeměnit (změnit stav, vlastnost) command - rozkaz What are disadvantages of photochromic lenses? What does the story...

Porsche Cayman GT4: Dvoumístná bestie

Porsche Cayman GT4 Coupé, 385 HP, 0-100 km/h in 4.4 seconds, 295 km/h. Are you ready for an amazing race? Meet the GT4! The GT4 is...

Apple a bezdrátové služby

Apple has not interest only in selling their devices, now they want to provide also operator services. They are testing in secret a mobile...

Hodinky pro 007

Omega company is going to produce new watch. The watch will be good for secret agents. You will see the watch in the following movie about...

Donna Karan, kolekce Jaro 2015

Donna Karan, Spring collection 2015 and its new face Fashion brand Donna Karan New York has introduced its new face for Spring collection 2015. It...

Meyer odmítá nařčení z rasizmu

Heyneke Meyer, trenér Springboks (národní tým Jižní Afriky) čelí velkému problému. Je obviňován z toho, že je rasista a že poskytuje více šancí bílým hráčům než černým v národním týmu. Čtěte více a učte se anglicky tak, jak vás to baví.

Blur hlásí comeback

Comeback of Blur Famous British music group Blur are preparing their new album. The title of the album is Magic Whip. You will have a...

Amsterdam: Lákavá místa mimo centrum

Attractive places outside the centre There are three places you have to visit: the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh Museum and the Anne Frank House. Expect...
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