Apple a bezdrátové služby

Apple has not interest only in selling their devices, now they want to provide also operator services. They are testing in secret a mobile...

Drogba přemlouvá Čecha, aby zůstal v Chelsea

Didier Drogba doesn’t want to see Petr Cech in another team. Didier Drogba thinks that Petr Cech is a legend for the Blues.  He has...

První rande

First dates can be stressful. You would like to look nice and the date to go well. Do you worry about the conversation? Don't....

Jak si vylepšit angličtinu v posteli

Studuješ angličtinu ve škole? Začal/a jsi koukat na filmy v angličtině, namísto dabovaných? To je výborné. Avšak hodlám Ti představit jednu z aktivit, která...

Imptementovatelný antikoncepční mirkočip

Bill Gates and his foundation discover a new form of birth control. It's a special microchip and it can “live” for about 16 years. The...

Bude Apple analyzovat naše DNA?

The MIT Technology Review magazine says that the iPhone maker wants to use their phones for medical studies. Apple is creating new apps which...

Teorie všeho

The Theory Of Everything Stephen Hawking (Eddie Redmayne) is the main character of the movie, The Theory Of Everything. This film starts in 1963. Stephen...

Blur hlásí comeback

Comeback of Blur Famous British music group Blur are preparing their new album. The title of the album is Magic Whip. You will have a...

Amsterdam: Výlet na víkend

Amsterdam: Free Weekend You know Amsterdam – the city of the tolerance of soft drugs and prostitution but also the city of the nice places,...

Šampaňské se stylem…

treat - zacházet s něčím royal - královský bubbly - bublinkový adornment - ozdoba vivacious - živý (temperamentní) unforgettable - nezapomenutelný stylish - stylový glamor (glamour) - půvab enable - umožnit share -...
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